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Required Documents

Required Documents DS-2019 Request

All required signatures are accepted in electronic format for all listed documents.

If the originals of any of the documents below are not in English, they must be accompanied by a certified English translation.


Options for acceptable certified translations are as follows:

  1. A translation or confirmation letter in English from the issuing entity.
    1. Example: a non-English diploma may be translated or confirmed by the registrar's office (not a faculty member) of the institution that issued the diploma; a bank statement may be translated or confirmed by the bank that holds the account.
    2. The letter must be on letterhead and signed, stamped, or sealed.
  2. Translation from a translation company.
    The translation should include information about the translation company providing the service.
  3. Translation letter by UF host department or 3rd party: It must be on departmental letterhead (if applicable), signed and dated, from a UF faculty, staff member, or 3rd party translator.
    Must also include:
    1. Name of the translator
    2. Date of translation
    3. Why the person translating is qualified to do so (example: "I am fluent in both ___and____ languages")
    4. Name of the document and visitor to whom it pertains
    5. A statement testifying to the accuracy of the translation


Please submit a review request to UF RISC through the International Scholars Review portal. You can find submission instructions in bold on this page.

Review requests must be submitted to the portal at least thirty (30) days prior to the extension of the Invitation or at least thirty (30) days prior to any UF imposed visa-processing deadline. UFIC will not be able to process DS2019 requests unless the official clearance from the RISC office is uploaded with the documents in the request.

Here is a link to the current UF policy about the Scholar review. All questions related to this review and clearance should be directed to You can find FAQs here.


For J-1 exchange visitor and each J-2 dependent

  • Scan(s) must be legible and complete. Only the biodata page is required. No other pages are necessary.
  • Passport(s) must be valid and current.
  • EVS uses passports to confirm spelling and order of name, date of birth, gender, city of birth, etc.
    • If the passport does not have the city of birth, please provide that information.

EVS does not record passport numbers.


  • Must use one of two templates below:
    • UF funding letter template if UF is compensating the exchange visitor;
    • J-1 letter of invitation template if UF is not compensating the exchange visitor.
    • Must be on departmental letterhead, including the name, title, and signature of the UF Faculty Sponsor, and signed and dated by the Exchange Visitor.
  • Must specify the J-1 visitor category rather than the internal UF designation.
    The Exchange Visitor categories are Professor, Research Scholar, Short-Term Scholar, and Student Intern.


Total funding must meet the following minimum for the duration of the program
J-1 exchange visitor $2,266/month
J-2 spouse additional $1,000/month
J-2 child additional $500/month (per child)

Submit one or a combination of the following:

  • UF Funding Letter
  • Organization/Government/Agency Funding Letter
    • Must specify the visitor's full name and UF program dates.
    • Must be on letterhead and signed, stamped, or sealed.
    • Must be directly from the organization providing the funds. Documentation from a third party confirming another organization's funding will not be accepted.
  • Personal Funding
    • Current bank statement:
      Must be on bank letterhead or contain the bank's logo, and show the full name, last four digits of the account number, and the account balance.
      Must be a checking or savings account. Investment accounts and transaction records will not be accepted.
    • Bank letter:
      Must be on bank letterhead and signed, stamped, or sealed, and state the full name of the account holder and the amount of funds available to them for withdrawal.
    • Salary:
      Letter from the institution paying the salary must be on letterhead and specify the visitor's name, program dates at UF, and the amount they will receive during their time at UF. It should be signed, stamped, or sealed.
      Paystubs, tax returns, or general salary letters that do not specify that the visitor will continue to be paid during their time at UF will not be accepted.
  • Certificate of Financial Responsibility
    • The CFR cannot be used to show funds from an organization/agency/scholarship etc. It can only be used to show funds from a private source, a friend, or a family member.
    • If showing personal funds from a bank statement or bank letter, the CFR is not required.
    • The account holder must sign and date the bottom of the top portion, and the visitor must sign and date the very bottom of the form. Instructional PDF can be found here.
    • If the bank does not complete and stamps the middle portion, a current bank statement for the account holder must be provided.
      • The bank statement must be on letterhead or contain the bank's logo and must show the full name, last four digits of the account number, and account balance.
      • Must be a checking or savings account. Investment accounts and transaction records will not be accepted.

Documents reflecting currency, not in US dollars, are acceptable; however, please use XE online currency converter and submit the conversion with the initial funding documents.


Must be in English.


Many website services that generate CVs retain much of the original language rather than translating it into English. Please verify the entirety of the CV is in English before submitting it.


Applicable to ALL categories - English proficiency is waived if the exchange visitor applicant is a citizen of an exempt country. Click here for the list of exempt countries.

Citizen of a non-exempt country must submit one of the following:

  • If the exchange visitor applicant graduated from an institution where English is the primary language of instruction within the last 4 years, please submit official transcripts, diploma supplements, academic evaluations, or a diploma. If the institution is not located in an exempt country (see list), the document must indicate that the language of instruction was English. For visitors who graduated more than 4 years ago from an institution where English was the primary medium of instruction, additional proof of English proficiency will be required.
  • Third-party English verification English3 (minimum score of 3.0). The applicant can complete the English3 interview here. An additional fee of USD $99 will apply and is the responsibility of the host department or the exchange visitor applicant (please note additional registration fees may apply for exchange visitors registering in China). The applicant will receive the test results within 2-5 days, and you should include the verification certificate in the application packet. This verification may be used for future UF visits for up to 2 years.
  • However, if scholars have any of the scores below for an English language proficiency test taken within the last two years, we will accept these as well:
    • International English Language Testing System - IELTS: 5.5 overall
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-based test - TOEFL iBT: 69
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language institutional testing program Level 1 – TOEFL ITP: 523
    • Pearson Tests of English - PTE: 44
    • Common European Framework - CEFR: B2 - Must be administered by a reputable institution (with ID verification).


If applicable

  • Required for all J-1 exchange visitor applicants in the College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, and College of Nursing, regardless of department.
  • Required for J-1 exchange visitor applicants with a medical degree (US or foreign degree).
  • Required if the J-1 exchange visitor applicant will be conducting program activities in a department where patient care or contact is possible.
  • Must use one of EVS' two templates:
    • No patient contact letter template if the exchange visitor is only observing. Observing indicates that the physician will attend or give lectures, go into patient areas as an observer or consultant, or work on research tissue and specimens that have no direct bearing on patient care.
    • Incidental patient contact letter template if the exchange visitor physician participates in observation, consultation, teaching, or research program that may need limited and supervised patient contact to carry out those objectives.
  • Must be signed by one of the following: Faculty Sponsor, Department Chair/Center Director, or Dean.


N/A for Student Interns

Official transcripts, diploma supplements, and academic evaluations in English are accepted in place of a certified English translation of the diploma only if they state the visitor's full name and specify the degree earned and the date it was conferred. See acceptable methods of translations at the top of this page.


The Acknowledgment of Faculty Sponsor Responsibility must be signed by the UF Faculty Sponsor.


Only required if the exchange visitor will participate in program activities at another site of activity, in addition to the primary site of activity.

Submit a letter, on departmental letterhead and signed by the faculty supervisor, containing the following details:

  • Explanation of why the secondary site of activity is necessary
  • Explanation of the activities that will be conducted at the secondary site
  • Name, email, and phone number of the person who will supervise the exchange visitor at the secondary site
  • Explanation of how the faculty supervisor will supervise the exchange visitor’s activities at the secondary site (e.g., in person visits, phone/videoconference calls, etc.)
  • Hours per week or percentage of time that will be spent at secondary site


Transfer-Ins only

The Transfer-In Form must be completed and signed by the J-1 exchange visitor's current program sponsor and the exchange visitor.


The Approval of Participation Form is for Student Interns only

  • Must be completed by a Registrar official or Dean at the student intern's home institution.
  • All boxes must each be checked.
  • Forms submitted without the school's seal or stamp will not be accepted.


Student Interns only

DS-7002 Information Form/Internship Placement Plan must be saved and submitted in the fillable PDF format and signed by the UF Faculty Sponsor.


Optional. DS-2019s will be provided to the scholar electronically. Access to the DS-2019 will be emailed to the scholar.


To initiate the DS-2019 Request, click the appropriate button and follow the instructions below:

DS-2019 Request for a New J-1 Professor, Research Scholar, or Short-Term Scholar


DS-2019 Request for a New J-1 Student Intern