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J-1 Employment

J-1 exchange visitors are permitted to work as part of activities outlined on their Form DS-2019. Any additional work requires proper authorization before the work begins.

Exchange visitors must contact their EVS advisor, and provide the following:

  • Employment offer letter with detailed information about potential work activities
  • Letter from current UF faculty sponsor granting permission to participate in additional work


Volunteering is often considered employment for immigration purposes. J-1 exchange visitors may volunteer while in the U.S., but must comply with all visa regulations.

  • They can freely volunteer for charitable or philanthropic purposes, with some restrictions:
    - They cannot participate in any fundraising activities, such as selling art or food.
    - They cannot volunteer within their professional expertise under almost any circumstance (e.g., veterinarians cannot volunteer to care for animals).
  • They cannot volunteer in any other ways unless they have valid work authorization from the UF International Center and/or U.S. government.
    The work authorization is not verbal.  Exchange visitors must obtain and physically possess an updated Form DS-2019 from EVS with authorization printed in Section 5.
    - They must obtain authorization even if the volunteer activity is required by their degree or their program.
  • They must consult their EVS advisor before they begin any volunteer activity that may fall within their professional expertise, even for charitable purposes.
    - If they might list an activity on their resume, consult EVS.
    - If they are unsure if something qualifies, consult EVS.

If an exchange visitor violates these regulations, even accidentally, they may lose J-1 visa status or face other serious immigration penalties.

For more information, please contact EVS.