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Enrollment Requirements

The purpose of the J-1 student visa is studying towards a degree in the United States. As such, full-time enrollment is required for students on J-1 visas.

Physical Presence Requirement

  • The majority of credits must have a physical presence component, meaning the course is not 100% online and has some physical requirement as part of the curriculum.
  • You are permitted to take only one (1) 100% online class per academic semester.
    • This is only permitted if the number of 100% online credits are less than half of your total number of credits.
    • For example, if you are enrolled in a total of 9 credits, you can take one course that is 100% online as long as it is 4 credits or fewer.

Full-Time Enrollment Requirements

  • Fall/Spring start:
    • Full time enrollment is required for all Fall and Spring semesters.
    • Summer enrollment is optional.
  • Summer start:
    • You are required to be fully enrolled for your first semester.
      • After that, Summer enrollment is optional.
    • Full time enrollment is required for all Fall and Spring semesters.

Full-time enrollment for required semesters is defined as:





12 credits each semester

9 credits each semester

Summer C

12 credits (or 6 credits Summer A and B each)

6 credits (or 3 credits Summer A and B each)

Summer B

3 credits

3 credits (must be physical presence)

These requirements are the minimum for the J visa status as defined by the US government. You may have additional enrollment requirements depending on your academic program, assistantship, scholarship, graduation date, etc.

Exceptions to Enrollment Requirements


If you are not required to enroll in the Summer semester, but you choose to take a course, the minimum enrollment requirements above do not apply. In addition, the course can be 100% online.

End of Degree

Final Semester

  • In your final/graduating semester at UF, you are automatically allowed to enroll for less than full-time status, as outlined below.


  • Graduate students who have completed all required courses and only need to finish their research and/or dissertation to complete their degree requirements may enroll in the minimum number of research/dissertation credits outlined below.




Graduate Business


1 credit each semester

3 credits each semester

2 credits each semester


1 credit

2 credits

1 credit


  • No special authorization is required for students who meet these requirements.
  • Online credits cannot exceed physical presence courses.
  • Graduate students with assistantships must maintain any minimum registration requirements outlined by their contracts.

Reduced Course Load (RCL)

After the drop/add period, all international students have a hold placed on their record to prevent unauthorized course drops and accidental status violations.

  • If dropping a course will put you below full-time enrollment, you must email your EVS advisor to request medical or academic RCL authorization (see below).
  • If dropping a course will not put you below full-time enrollment, you do not need RCL authorization.
  • If you need the hold temporarily lifted in order to drop a course and replace it with another:
    • You must contact your academic department for approval to drop the course.
    • The department staff will notify your EVS advisor.
      • For departments that use the Student-Initiated Drop/ADD (SIDA) system through ONE.UF, EVS is automatically notified as part of the process.
    • Once EVS verifies the student will not violate their visa status, the international hold will be lifted, and the drop request can be completed.

Medical Reduced Course Load (RCL) 

Students with temporary illnesses or medical conditions may request a reduced course load, or no course load, if necessary. Authorization must be obtained before dropping any courses, or the student may lose valid J status.

To apply for medical RCL, you must provide a letter to your EVS advisor that:

  • Includes your full name and date of birth;
  • Recommends that you take a reduced course load due to medical reasons;
  • Specifies the semester(s) affected by the recommendation;
  • Is signed by a licensed medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or clinical psychologist
  • Is dated and printed on official letterhead.

NOTE: Students may be authorized for up to a total of 12 months of medical RCL per degree level.

Academic Reduced Course Load (RCL)

Students with one of the following extenuating circumstances may request EVS authorization to drop below full-time enrollment. Authorization must be obtained before dropping any courses, or the student may lose valid J status.

  • Improper course level placement
  • Initial difficulties with the English language*
  • Initial difficulties with reading requirements*
  • Unfamiliarity with U.S. teaching methods*

*Applicable only during the first semester in the U.S.


  • Students must still be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours.
  • Students may only be authorized for an academic RCL once per degree level.

Leave of Absence/Withdrawal

Students who need to take a leave of absence or withdraw from the university must obtain authorization from their EVS advisor. A leave of absence may require a new visa application.

For more information or to begin this process, you must contact your EVS advisor