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F-1 Graduate Student Emergency Hardship Scholship

The UFIC has established a scholarship for graduate international students experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties that are beyond their control. 

Scholarship Amount

Each award will be valued up to $2,500, before taxes, and given to a maximum of six students; three students in the Spring term and three students in the Fall term.

Scholarship Criteria

To be eligible for this scholarship, the student must:

  • be in valid, F-1 status
  • be a graduate student
  • have completed one full academic year (Fall and Spring)
  • be in good academic standing and carrying a full course load, registered in compliance with F-1 student regulations
  • not have any other award/scholarship, such as Graduate Assistantships (GA,TA,RA), Fellowships, Achievement Award, LAC, Linkage, or other scholarships. Students who previously had funding and lost it due to funding cuts or grant non-renewal will be considered.
  • not have previously been awarded this scholarship, as it is only available one time

Required Application Documentation

Student must provide a statement letter detailing the extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control which caused the emergency/hardship and include the following:

  • Emergency Hardship Scholarship Application Form
  • Show that it was extenuating and unforeseen circumstances that were beyond your control.
  • Provide information in the statement of the financial need
  • List income and expenses
  • Show you have a job or proof that you have searched for a job and were unable to get employment due to unavailability/insufficiency of jobs on campus
  • Provide documentation to support your statement ( e.g.: parent lost job or retired and income decreased; bank cancelled student loan, etc.)
  • If you lost funding through loss of assistantship or other external funds (grant), provide a letter documenting this from your department.

Application Deadline

The statement letter and supporting documentation must be submitted to the UFIC by:

  • Spring application period: February 15th - March 1st
  • Fall application period: October 15th -  November 1st

Late applications will not be accepted. The applications will be reviewed by a committee of UF staff and faculty. Notification to awardees will be sent one week after the committee has made their decision.